Angela Bax

Being active has always been a part of Angela’s life. Growing up in the country, playing sports, gardening, cooking from scratch, hunting and fishing have always been a year-round lifestyle for her and her family. As a little girl, she was in dance and then ventured to the more aggressive sports. She played almost everything, but softball was her sport of choice and 13 years of it taught her a lot about coaching, training, nutrition and hydration. After different degrees and careers, She was brought back to her passion of being active and being healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. Being open minded to new things and understanding health in all areas of life is a growing process that ultimately lead her to becoming a Certified Health Coach and start Training for Life, LLC. She loves working with local businesses striving to create a healthier community and collaborating to make living a healthy lifestyle as easy as possible.

“I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my parents who have taught me everything about working hard, having faith, and loving as much as possible.”

Quick Profile

Name:Angela Bax

Address: 3600 Country Club Dr. #530A
        Jefferson City, MO. 65109